Ground penetrating Radar (or GPR) – is a non-destructive method for subsurface reflections investigation. A short electromagnetic pulse is emitted to the environment, when the pulse reaches the layer (or an object) which relative permittivity differs from the environments, part of pulse reflects and the returns to antenna, the other part goes on, until it reaches the next layer (or object). In general, any dielectric discontinuity can be detected.
GPR Applications
- Non – invasive archaeological surveys;
- Engineering surveys (foundations, pipes, cables location);
- Geological (sand dune investigations);
- 2D/3D GPR data acquisition
- Data processing and interpretation
- Ground Penetrating Radar Zond-12 (Radar Systems, Inc.)
- 300, 500 MHz antennas for geological purpose, and 900 MHz antenna for archeological and engineering purpose.
Electrical Resistivity Imaging is used to map lateral and vertical changes in earth resistivity.
Geobaltic has extensive experience in in karst region studies as well as engineering-geological surveys, environmental (contamination) studies.
- 2D/3D Resistivity data acquisition
- data processing and interpretation.
- AGI SuperSting R8
- Allied Tigre 128